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Just a Sneak Peak Poem: I Love My Hips

They really have tried to teach us to shape our bodies so we may be desirable to our male counterparts, and not for ourselves because that is for women with bad morals. Some may say it is even impossible to believe that a woman would dare to be sexy, beautiful, confident etc simply because she wants to, to please herself, outside the gaze of a man. One guy once told me that once we start dating (mind you, I had just met him and he was still trying his luck), he would not expect me to dress sexy or look too good because who else would I be trying to impress. In his mind, I could never desire to look good for myself. I could only desire to look good in order to attract a mate or male attention because that is the only reason women desire to look good. At that, I laughed in his face.

Society really has tried to turn our bodies into our own enemies, an attempt to steal from us our sexuality. But I say no to that. This body is mine to dress, shape and move how I want to. This poem is my dedication to all womxn and to reclaiming our sexuality. Our bodies are not objects created simply for what they can give: babies, pleasure etc. Our bodies, including our sexuality, are our own and hold value and worth for simply being a human body...

For the full video, click here. How excited I was to see Dasha Kelly Hamilton commenting on my poem. That was such a beautiful moment for me.

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